Why is open and honest communication important?

Why is open and honest communication important?

There are various aspects that a person will need to take into account to maintain a healthy relationship and lead fulfilling relationships with partners. One crucial idea that many people overlook is the fact that whatever you do or decide will always have an impact on the other partner in that connection.

Communicating openly and honestly is one of the steps to gaining the other party’s will to positively communicate back in a relationship. A relationship is important when you seek your partner’s opinion on a subject. Additionally, when these factors are coupled, being open will boost the likelihood of developing a solution to a challenging problem. The importance of developing an open and honest communication strategy to involve your life partner in your decisions is far greater than most of us realize.

I have experienced so many difficult situations in real life that seemed very hard to overcome. And they were. At work, when everything is falling apart and there is nothing to do that could solve the matter without consequences, I managed to remain calm and brainstorm. I can come up with a solution after spending some time alone with myself. Of course, when discussing that with my coworkers and managers at work, I’ve found that after being truthful with them about how challenging the current situation is, solutions start to line up in front of me.

Your determination is the key to change

In my personal life when things get a little more difficult than usual, I have to untie the knot to continue living my life normally. I always managed to get everything in order. Sometimes with enormous effort and sometimes not so much. My mind developed an ideology – if you set your mind to something, you will get it done. The road to the solution can be bumpy. But if you have a little perseverance, you will eventually succeed.

Wait a minute, is that true? That we can achieve anything we want if we just put our minds to it? EVERYTHING!! In relationships, for instance, people may try to make them function properly, but occasionally things end up going back to the beginning. When a clear plan is articulated, everything, in my opinion, can be accomplished.

I write a lot about how people should communicate with each other. Why communication is very important? Why couples should talk to each other about everything? I have even helped some people save their relationships through communication. But for some of us, we unintentionally don’t communicate in our relationships the same way we would communicate with others. What an irony. Why does this happen so frequently? Why does it happen to someone who trusted us with everything in their life?

When I talk about a lack of communication, I do not mean an imbalance in conversation or dominance in conversation. It’s simply a problem of honesty. If you think you have everything under control and can handle the consequences and results of being dishonest with your partner, think again! It has been shown that it is more effective and important to always be honest and clear when trying to find a solution to a problem. 

Does it matter? To be honest in life?

It is very essential, to be honest in your life. If you are not honest, your relationships or marriage will break down to the lowest levels. Many people think that love replaces all the other pillars of marriage: respect, honesty, affection, and intimacy. Love has no power to survive in a relationship if the other pillars don’t exist. Love is the sum of the other pillars. Without the other pillars, it cannot exist.

Does this imply that you cannot truly love your partner if you are not entirely honest with them? The question is whether you intended to lie. I don’t wish to justify lying in any way. But it’s difficult to call it love if your goal is to deceive and fool the other person. The reason you appear to be doing just that to the other person is that you are frightened of upsetting them and of how telling the truth would affect your relationship. Some of us would deploy that defense, certain that it was the only viable strategy for maintaining a problem-free lifestyle. And it gives them the impression that they are now in charge. Though are they?

The likelihood of being genuinely open varies from circumstance to circumstance, but that is okay. How determined you are about making changes to achieve that depends on how significant and crucial an open relationship is to you. That will therefore instantly be in your favor if you communicate with your spouse honestly and openly.

Before it is demonstrated, having that liberating and thrilling sense of being in charge and ahead of everyone else needs to be thoroughly explored and analyzed. My straightforward interpretation of this is that if someone feels uneasy about something, they will desire to be in a position of authority somewhere. The correct terms must be used when seeking control. You may want control, but it is important to have the language to direct it. 

Published by Ismail Alaraimi