How could the world be delivered from the awful impasse between war and psychological and social collapse on the one hand, and societal disintegration on the other? How about this as a response: through the upliftment and growth of individuals, and through everyone’s readiness to bear the weight of Being and follow the courageous road.

We must all take on as much responsibility as we can for our own lives, our societies, and the entire planet. We must all be truthful, fix what is broken, disassemble and rebuild what is stale and out-of-date. The way in which we may and must lessen pain is what taints the world. It’s a lot to ask. It is requesting everything.

We must carry a burden in order to defend our sad condition. We need tradition and routine. It’s an order. Chaos may overtake us, which is equally undesirable, but order can also become overbearing. Keep on the straight and narrow paths. There is a line that separates chaos from order. Where we are steady enough, exploring enough, changing enough, healing enough, and collaborating enough all at once.

There we discover the significance that explains life and the unavoidable sorrow. We might be able to handle the burden of our own self-consciousness if we lived appropriately. We might be able to resist the feeling of victimization that first fuels resentment, then envy, and finally the urge for vengeance and destruction if we lived morally. Maybe if we lived properly, we wouldn’t need exclusive certainty to keep us from comprehending how inadequate and ignorant we are.

Each of us has a strong desire to grow personally in some way. Perhaps going through a lot has made us realize that our lives could potentially be much better if we just turned a few degrees to the left or right. Or maybe not; for example, “I’ve been victimizing myself and blaming others for everything that goes on in my life” could be a psychological necessity to work towards such development. Therefore, the moment has come to take action. We constantly aspire to become perfect people, and this desire is constant. But where do I begin? How do I figure out what I actually need to become a better version of myself?


First of all, there is more than one game in which one can succeed or fail. There are numerous games, and even more specifically, there are many good games that match your skills, allow you to interact with others in a useful way, are long-lasting, and even get better with time. There are numerous ways to be in the world. You can try another one if the first doesn’t work. You can choose anything that is better suited to your specific combination of strengths, flaws, and circumstance. Additionally, you can create a new game if modifying it does not succeed. One that you might be the best at.

You probably aren’t just playing one game, either. You have friends, family, personal projects, creative and athletic activities, and a career. Across all the games you play, you can evaluate your performance. Think of yourself as being excellent at some, average at others, and horrible at the rest.

Accept it, perhaps that’s how it should be. You might counter that, I ought to be successful in everything. However, doing that does not imply that you are undertaking a difficult or novel task. Even if you are winning, you are not developing. Growing is the most crucial component in this situation.


Our gaze is always directed towards objects we want to explore, investigate, seek out, or even own. We always aim because we must see, and in order to see, we must aim. Our bodies serve as the hunting and gathering platforms on which our thoughts are constructed. To hunt is to comprehend and to specify. When we make a goal or strike a target, we are successful. If we don’t, we sin or fail. Without a goal, we cannot navigate, and while we are in this world, we must constantly navigate.

We always find the world lacking and strive to make it adequate. Even if we have all we thought we needed, we may always think of new methods to improve and correct problems. We are curious even after we are content. We live in a world where the present is characterized as always deficient and the future as always better. If we did not have this perspective, we wouldn’t do anything at all. We wouldn’t even be able to see since in order to focus, we must choose one item to focus on above all others.


The main determinant of how you will transform into the new you is your level of clarity around the type of self-development you require. Now that you’ve thought of that intriguing plan. A plan that outlines the future, not just what you should do.

Because all the terrible things that might happen to you would be worth it if you had that future. It really is simple, but since we are such complex beings, putting it into practice is quite difficult. Instead of comparing yourself to someone else now, think on who you were yesterday. A hierarchy of progress must be in place, and there must be a goal. In order to achieve the necessary level of self-development, who should you ultimately defeat? This question keeps popping into my head.

You must continually work to overcome your past self since you are the only one who can govern you. Therefore, you should start competing with yourself if you wish to compete fairly with someone. It is a duty to carry out that duty. It is a hardship to overcome your old self if you are sincere and committed to growing as a person. You may be better tomorrow than you are now if you have the humility to set the bar appropriately low.  

The other thing you have to do is admit that you have flaws and deficiencies. However, someone as inadequate as you might be able to handle it, which indicates that you are genuinely on the right path to self-development and transcending your previous self. The amazing thing about that is that the search of that purpose is what gives life its significance. The main problem is that life is tragic and challenging for everyone, incredibly tragic and challenging.

Life is like that, there’s always something stupid you can do or someone else can do to make it worse than it needs to be. You need an antidote to that since it might make you agitated. You need a purpose in life to counteract the hardships, malevolence and betrayal that come with it. Where may one find meaning? nor in pleasure, nor in rights, but in accountability.

If you accept responsibility for yourself and care for yourself, you will also take care of your family and the community if you are excellent at it. Those are heavy loads, but if you bear them, you will discover that they are meaningful. The best approach to bear the burden is to constantly work on improving yourself.

Published by Ismail Alaraimi