Proper education is the most basic thing a country can provide its people. Along with comfort and prosperity, this combination means better living conditions. It is up to the people to decide how will they benefit from that comfort. The definition of comfort varies from one group of people to the next. What is it that makes them feel at ease in their current situation? Some will say a stable financial situation is a top priority, while others will say living in a safe environment is a top priority. Others may state that it is a combination of the two.

To ensure comfort in a country officials need to go back to the bases. And ask this question, how we may provide these circumstances to our citizens? Some countries do or follow a specific set of rules that no one seems to understand. Especially when it comes to education. It is very significant when education is involved to notice that whatever you’re trying to implement is working. Rules should be clear and easy to insure that education reaches all the corners of the country.

When it comes to making things work the best way possible, there is always a proper approach. The right officials should be appointed to make plans very well designed. And implementing them in the most strategic way. There is no shame in a failed plan. The shame is in not trying to make it work in the first place. Or continue to pretend that it is working just to avoid judgments from others.


Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Nelson Mandela

What makes a country very successful while other countries are in debt, have disputes with their people, and lack solutions? A smart country would always include in its constitution that human recourses are a top priority. Try to educate and develop as many citizens as possible to insure that the country falls into the right hands. The education system must be outstanding and legit. Everything starts with proper education. 

However, some may argue that some countries did provide a proper education system to their citizens. But it failed. The public education effort was then a failure. Not a problem. Let us figure out how to make it work as planned, if not better.

I truly admire some countries for doing everything in their power to develop their citizens. The long-term plans of educational projects they are working on purely serve their citizens. There are no complications in the execution, there is a clear goal, and a direct approach from the officials.

Now, is it possible that even in such circumstances, some people will abuse this? Unfortunately yes. Either by students, parents, or government officials. But they may have an impact only on themselves and not the general public, mainly. 


Can a government guarantee that everyone receives education? It is possible. But it is highly unlikely. A government can always make sure that the educational system is up to date. That is recognized internationally. Why internationally recognized? You may ask. It is to attract students from outside countries as well.

That itself increases the chances of investors to open their eyes to your country, for having an irresistible educational system. Which mainly means a solid economical system. As mentioned previously, the right and trusted officials need to ensure education gets to all. It will be a very hard mission, but imagine the satisfaction after completing it. Isn’t that worth the effort?

It just doesn’t make sense as a leader to go somewhere and try to end poverty while your people are feeding their children from trash bins. You are not a celebrity. Calling out journalists to take pictures of you while handing out food to people in another country. You are a country’s leader. It is a noble thing to try to end poverty in some countries for example. But what is the point if you can’t end it in your own country first?

So, start changing the world by improving your approach to education. Make sure your students understand what education is. Create minds that will contribute to global development by promoting peace. And will take part in campaigns that enhance community prosperity all over the world.

Does an educated public means a prosperous society?

Education plays an important role in the development of societies and even individuals. Early societies educated their generations too. Their achievements are recorded in their cultural history. As a result, their educational systems shaped many of the policies and practices that we use today.

Athens and Sparta were the Greek’s main cities. Athens had advanced sufficiently. Its approach to education is always toward self-actualization. As a result, the emergence of philosophers, particularly Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, had a huge impact on modern education.

Socrates, for example, devised a teaching method known as the Socratic method. This teaching method focuses on asking students questions rather than providing answers. It entails inquiring and constantly testing the mind with questions to cultivate the mind in self-knowledge.

As a result, Greece’s economic success, as well as its reputation for being phenomenal in psychological studies and literature, played a significant role in distinguishing itself from other nations. Other nations, such as the Islamic empire and Egypt, took a similar approach to education.

There is an unspoken but felt link between proper education and harmonious society. However, education does not always imply classrooms and buildings. Education in its various forms. Can be self-educating or in mosques, temples, and churches. So long as it serves the best interests of society and its prosperity.


Some people who are in charge of their country’s development are constantly wondering why it isn’t working. WHAT! Are you serious? Let me respond to this for you.

Let me give you an example from my own experience. In Oman, the way I see it, the basic education system is absurd. When students graduate from high school, it should mean that they are ready to enter the higher education system. ( Which in our case is not better than year twelve of school ). A tiny percentage of those who graduate from high school will do well in university.

Some of them will use their skills and talents to weather life’s storms and make a good living. But what about the others who do not complete high school or university? You wonder why? I don’t think you are. You are too busy trying to impress the media and appear to be a celebrity.

Why aren’t we able to focus on talents, innovative people, and skills that are required in life? Most of the time schools can’t give you that. Why our countries are unable to participate in technological discoveries? Is it because we do not have innovative minds? No, it is simply because we do not allow such minds to show what have they got. As a result, they will move to neighboring countries where they will get what they deserve and shine.


Education systems are designed to meet human needs rather than human potential. Education systems prepare students academically and technically for careers in offices and industries. It mainly focuses on making money and meeting the external needs of life. Educationists have completely failed to recognize that humans have much more to offer the world. Education systems have never given enough room to children’s creativity and imagination.

Things are changing in countries where people are wealthy and can see beyond money. These countries encourage children’s innovation, imagination, and creativity. However, the majority of the countries remain impoverished. For economic development, they require manpower and professionals. They are still bound to be money-oriented, and so continue to follow the same education system of the past.

Published by Ismail Alaraimi