The choices we make, and then?

The choices we make, and then?

Seeing how narrowly minded everyone around us seems to me terrible. The little brains that permeate our environment may have anything to do with the significance of this. Usually, I write my articles in a way that could come off as somewhat negative, not because I intended it to be, but rather to get you to consider why I write the way I do.

You will however, love reading, I promise. No matter how we justify every error, mistake, or wrongdoing we`ve decided to make, we always have a second alternative to consider. Regardless of the circumstances that stopped us from choosing that second course of action, we always have two options to consider at the very least.

I for instance, have made plenty of faults and wrong deeds, do I regret to have made them? Yes and no, both are valid and justified answers. Making these wrong deeds was my choice all along and without an interference from non, my choice was not to go for the other way. Perhaps for better, not for me but for the whole matter and the other party, in most cases. Now, a choice like that may have its serious effect on people surround you, but at the same time there is that question that lays on the horizon of this issue, can we prevent this from happening? If it is preventable, should we go for it, or its actually better that we took this other course! I know it sounds a bit complicated, it just needs a bit of focus and you will understand the root of it.

The complication of making a choice

The complication of this whole matter is that we have different characters and personalities, this deepens the issue and the speculations of solving it possibilities goes wider. Our personalities play a major role on how to pick our options, how to react to a matter. What to discuss? How to discuss it? And Whom we may discuss it with?

Knowing the effect that your choice may leave on others, could perhaps give you a crystal-clear way on how to decide and what you should do. Our understanding of making a choice that may affect others, relies on our personalities, it explains us, it shows who we actually are. For instance, at work when you are making decisions, vital decisions, some of us will only follow what is in their minds and not try to involve others in it. When you do that, your facts and decision making based on an egoistic perspective that serves no one but you.

Its effect

It actually affects the others negatively by having to deal with the outrageous results of your egoistic manners. It`s obviously a success for you, but to others, it`s a testament to your unreliable nature and how primitive your brain is. Of course, since intelligent people are civil. Being in a team doesn`t really mean having to insist on being the biggest guy in the room.

A team is all about the other members; it`s about looking out for each other and being aware of what could harm, upset, or affect them. There`s a sense of dominance in the room by those who are normally in charge, as if they can act on their own judgement without consulting the other team members. This is actually true and I have been in that position before where the in-charge person will always try to implement his unproductive ideas on us no matter how bad they are. Well, that won’t work with me mate.

Again, options were there. I could`ve just went along with these ideas and he will eventually be questioned for them, but it`s not just having him be the responsible for the faults, I chose to have a phenomenal performance and come up with ideas that will help us sort all the matters,- none of them ideas were his-.

Making a mistake and choosing to make one

There is a huge difference from making a genuine mistake and actually insisting on one, knowing that it will lead to a dead end and an outrageous result. What I mean by insisting is to force your unproductive ideas on those who work under you for example. Not to rely on those who might have got a better view of the matters and possibly can sort them out as well. But, only because of some individuals self- centered personalities, they are unable to let go their ego.

Making a choice, normally knowing what is it you really want, perhaps it may not appear like so, but it is. It’s a preference, you picked what you wanted more than the other. Now, this doesn’t mean that the other choice has less value than what you chose, no, not even a bit. For some cases, it`s just had to be done. For other matters, it is a show of an unnecessary authority.

Your decisions are greatly influenced by your lack of trust in yourself. Confidence is the capacity to maintain emotional control when the stakes are high and a strong mindset. Without that, what would we be? Imagine if at work, your immediate manager is a person who lacks knowledge, confidence, and the capacity to make vital judgements. Fun, eh? This person lacks skill; thus, it is his choice to be in a position where people would not only not trust him, but he also has a personality that makes him feel resentful towards himself. You are gradually losing who you are and your mental stability when everyone around you treats you with little respect. However, you had a choice and were aware of what would happen.

You always have a choice

I had no other choice! A statement that we here almost every day. It is very annoying to me hearing it constantly. Surely you had other choices, you just picked the one that felt safer, mainly. I keep on arguing with some of my colleagues about the reasons why some people will choose to behave in manners that may in some ways affect others. Why would you choose to behave that way? There could be reasons to that, it`s just that they are not really convincing to me. I am a very logical person, or I try to be at least.

When someone tells me: they behave in that way because of the traumas, and what they went through! It is not really convincing, is it? (This doesn`t apply on people whom they`ve got a mental disability) We sometimes feel curious about the reasons that led us to prioritize some reasons over others. How did we choose them? According to what? Is it a feeling that we have at that moment and we just go for the one that makes more sense? Or perhaps we`ve always knew our choices? All these questions should have a proper validation of your choice selection, which most of the times we seem to be pleased off.

Published by Ismail Alaraimi