Every time I witness arguments between men and women over who should run the home, it makes me upset. Considerably ridiculous, don’t you think? For a pair of individuals who voluntarily agreed to be married, live together, and even have kids. Are we so limited in our thinking? Or is it a result of an unseen force that no one appears to be able to perceive?

What happened to women respecting their husbands and men to show the highest appreciation and respect to their wives?

Oh, I see, that worked before and now everything changed. People became open-minded and men and women should be equal, right? Men and women have lived and will continue to live together in harmony only if we understood the importance of having a partner in our lives. We don’t need men in our lives, or women are not as important as men. All of these non-measured and useless statements are made by some, ignorant and unwise individuals. 

Women, what will you do without men? I am angling for an answer that can challenge what I stated. It is necessary to have men in your life. Unfortunately, some women are mixing between their ability to provide for themselves and the need of having a male partner. It is like men are only for providing. But, if you look a bit deeper and widen your vision, you will see the truth of why having men is very important in your lives. 

What makes me a bit more agitated, is that some female celebrities are adored and followed by millions, would make statements like who needs men, I can provide for myself!! Well yeah, that actually shows how intelligent you are. A few decades ago, the famous singer Cher was asked in an interview about men, and her response was “who needs them “.


Jordan B Peterson once said “It is not just ok to be a man, it is necessary, what are we going to do without men? Look around these cities and you see all these buildings go up, men are doing the impossible things, working under the streets, working on the sewers, they are up on the power lines, in the storms, in the rain. They are keeping this impossible infrastructure, they are functioning and working themselves to death. And often literally, the gratitude for that is sorely lacking, especially among the people who should be most grateful.

Social justice bent, who are among the most protected and privileged people in the world has ever produced. They take everything they have for granted, failing to understand that there is a massive infrastructure of unbelievably hard-working solidly laboring, and working-class men, breaking themselves in half on regular basis, making sure that everything that is always breaking works. A little gratitude for that is an order”

And for men who say women aren’t as important as men? Men cannot live a single day without a woman and we all know that. The fact that you were carried for nine months in your mother’s womb says a lot about the importance of women and without them, you wouldn’t have existed. Do you think women cannot be leaders? Cannot run a household? Who do you think runs your house? YOU!


Almost 100% of the dangerous jobs are done by men. Putting their lives in danger only to be called useless, unnecessary, and selfish. Off course, there are samples of men that do not deserve to be called men, because everything they do, stands completely the opposite of what the word MAN stands for. Men use their masculinity over the other gender to prove a wrong point in the first place. But, does this means to have a general idea that men are useless? And women can live without them?

In my point of view, whoever has an idea like that should commit themselves to a psychologist. Maybe their thoughts will be rearranged and be in the right order. Men are typically seen as the community’s defenders in most countries. It is their responsibility to make sure that both internal and external threats don’t harm their homes and communities. Men were expected to equip themselves and defend society’s women and children.

So why do some women act hypocritically by saying that men are unimportant? Without men, what will you do? You do not have the right to publicly voice your meaningless and unconsidered judgment about a complete gender based on a single personal encounter. The same is true for men who make ridiculous comments about women.


When we generalize an opinion about a particular group, it is usually incorrect. A report I read earlier this year about a well-known female influencer and gamer from Brazil. She lost her sponsor as a result of retweeting a piece about sexual assault. Her sponsors did not dump her for that reason, rather, it was because of her comments. That’s why males are trash, she said in response to the article.

Millions of individuals from all over the world undoubtedly liked and followed this person. Everything she says has an impact on people. Children who may have had fathers working around the clock to provide for them with a better life were following her. Fathers that are adored by their children.

However, the admiration instantly changes due to a careless individual who decided to generalize that men are trash. When you have a position of power, your responsibilities increase since every word you say can have a favorable or negative impact on people.

Hate speech is created by it. Generalizing that all men are bad and unimportant only feeds the flames. Making such remarks won’t lead to anything good at all. We go backward and are much more at odds with one another. So why make such comments? Why do people need to believe such horrific and false claims? Have you ever thought of our young ones? Men are wonderful, their sacrifices are incredible,  and a family is incomplete without a man.

The few intolerable males you’ve read about don’t speak for all men. They speak for themselves. I don’t want to give the idea that I have anything against women in my words. Beyond all doubt, both men and women play significant roles in society.

Published by Ismail Alaraimi