I’m sure you’ve all heard the term “leadership.” A strong word that leads you straight down the aisles of greatness and glory. Simply hearing it makes you realize how great an individual will be once they are called a leader. A word that inspires people to strive for a better future, life, and circumstances. Not to mention that it was bestowed upon real-life influencers throughout history who changed history and gave the term leadership the proper meaning it deserves.

What is leadership?

The ability of an individual or group of individuals to positively influence and guide followers or other members of an organization is the most basic definition of leadership.

Nonetheless, the term “leader” was given to people who hurt the world and influenced people to believe or do things that are contrary to the meaning of the term. People have followed false leaders throughout history and even today, people who claim to be leaders but are nothing more than tyrants and chaos makers. These so-called leaders did nothing but deceive their followers to achieve their objectives.

It’s the same at work, sometimes managers look out for the best interests of their company and its employees. Their leadership approaches are exceptional, open, and transparent. On the contrary, some people claim to be leaders but are not. They work for the sake of their radiance and glory. A true leader will confront the canon to save his or her followers.


False leaders exhibit several characteristics. Unfortunately, many people are fooled into following these so-called leaders only to be disappointed. There are numerous indicators that your so-called leader is a manipulator.

They employ deception. False leaders are masters of deception. These are the people you might know who are masqueraders. Everything they say contains a misrepresentation. They do the polar opposite of what is said. Listen with both your eyes and ears to avoid falling under the spell of these types of false leaders.

They adore fancy titles. A true leader would not be concerned with a title or a position, instead, they would be willingly followed by others. A leader who bases his or her leadership on titles rather than performance is not a true leader. A flashy title should not obtain trust. Many enterprises give employees big and fancy titles for customers to see them as important people to follow. False leaders appoint themselves with a gleaming title to persuade you that they are worthy of your devotion. 

They place blame on both people and circumstances. A worthy leader accepts responsibility, whereas a false leader constantly blames others. Making accusations about others is a sure sign of a weak and deceptive leader. They never find a solution, and they are usually accompanied by people who do everything for them. And if everything fails, it is everyone’s fault, not theirs.

“Don’t find fault, find a remedy” Henry Ford


The covid-19 pandemic provides numerous examples of who is a good leader and who is simply hiding behind the curtain of fame. We can all recall how some people dealt with the virus’s outbreak back then. People were rushing to stores in large numbers to stock up on various food supplies. As if it was the end of the world. However, who can blame them?


Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed the President of the UAE and the former Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi at the time was constantly in the news and on social media. Comforting people and assuring them that everything will be fine and under control. No, this was not just a pep talk to make people feel better. There was a well-planned and solid plan in place to ensure the smooth flow of food and medicine.

A sense of responsibility for the country’s citizens and those who sought a better life in the UAE. People were confident that everything would be fine soon after the virus broke out and after hearing the sheikh’s words. I was one of those who thought there was nothing to be concerned about. You will off-course respect such a leader. A man of his word. His leadership abilities caused those who worked under him to closely follow his lead. I mean, look at the UAE and its rulers. Phenomenal.


On the other hand, some other world leaders did everything except find a solution to the problem. The majority of them, as I recall, were warning the public to be alert for the worst. And to be ready for the loss of a loved one. Will I ever respect someone like that again? Never. The more significant issue is that they did not even attempt to control the covid-19 break in their respective countries. On the contrary, they began to profit from it. Even to this day, some countries charge outrageous fees for the covid-19 tests. IRONIC.

Those claiming to be leaders did not take the simplest measures to control the virus outbreak seriously. The healthcare systems are disgraceful, and those who cannot afford treatment will be suffering from health problems for the rest of their lives. Including children. 


The problem with most people is that they strive to be leaders. You will be chosen to lead if you possess the characteristics of a leader. There are some things you should know about leadership. It is not intended for everyone. It is, however, possible for you to learn how to lead if you’re determined enough.

A good leader always engages in open communication. Employees want to be heard, whether it’s about a problem that needs to be solved or ideas that they believe will help the company or clients. When you fail to communicate effectively with your team, they may become discouraged, resulting in low morale and efficiency. 

Working on both the professional and personal development of their employees is one of the qualities that a leader should have. This can range from leadership development to teaching them a new skill to encouraging them to pursue a passion that inspires them both inside and outside of the workplace. Employees value learning opportunities, so it’s no surprise that companies that implement effective training programs typically see a significant increase in employee engagement.


Consider a company culture in which team members receive training based on their interests. Every employee will feel that you care about their goals, dreams, and overall well-being in such a case. When this occurs, your employees will go above and beyond to assist you in achieving your objectives and vision.

Normal and secure leaders solicit feedback on their leadership style from their employees. Most managers or team leaders find this extremely difficult. But if they were secure enough, this should be completely normal. There is no limit to how much you can improve, if you believe that being a manager or even in a higher position means you know everything, think again. Your employees may not provide you with honest feedback. Because they may be scared of your reaction. However, the nature of your relationship with them should be open to constructive criticism and open communication at all times.

Published by Ismail Alaraimi