What is the most effective way to interact with others?

What is the most effective way to interact with others?

We face so many problems on daily basis either in our work life or our private lives too. A small percentage of us would think clearly and open our minds widely for sake of trying to find the source of the problem and what caused it! Effective communication usually solves mistakes and misconceptions.

There is something about us the human race, that we often turn our backs on a problem and would just blame others instead. We are so sure that this misunderstanding could never be caused or started by ourselves, there is always a scapegoat for it. We often think that we are immune to the fact that we could make mistakes. No matter what effect these mistakes cause, small or major.

Imagine that everyone who encounters a mistake, regardless of whether they were to blame for it or not, decides they want to solve the issue and put an end to it. Very few people would hold this opinion. As I previously stated, the majority would believe that they are not to blame. Therefore, why would I even enter into a conflict? Which typically makes things worse.

Knowing what questions to ask to determine exactly what is wrong will give you a better chance of resolving the issue quickly and correctly.

The best way to learn how can you communicate well with another party is to work on a few skills of yours, skills like reading.

Reading will make you familiar with an outstanding amount of knowledge. The reason why most public speakers speak the way they do is that they’ve got a tremendous amount of knowledge and that is because of reading. Another thing that you will learn from reading is that you will be able to identify different styles of communication. When you read a book, the writer is trying to communicate and connect with you somehow. You feel like he or she is writing about you, and for you. There are plenty of books out there with millions of different communication types.

Another skill that you may work on definitely will help you figure out ways to communicate with others in writing.


Yes, writing! Not a lot of us could be interested in writing. Now you will ask me what should you write about?! Well, start with whatever comes to your mind. Your daily routine, diary, letters, and anything you come across that day. Do this for a whole month and ask yourself afterward, what have you gained and learned from it. You will be able to figure out so many things that you could do better, write better, change probably your daily routine, etc. Therefore, you will know why writers have so many ways to communicate with readers. Even though readers come with millions of different personalities and mentalities.

The last skill that you should work on is your public speaking skills.

It is so terrifying for so many individuals to speak in public, even among their friends and relatives if they felt they are in the spotlight. Working on your public speaking skills will give you confidence. And you will have the ability to come up with different ways to communicate with others.

Have you ever heard of the saying ” To get something you’ve never had you must be willing to do something you’ve never done”  By Thomas Jefferson?

These words still ring in my ears every time I desire to do something. But I feel a bit inert to perform that particular job or need. A large number of individuals around us daily desire to make some changes to their lives. Only a few of them succeed in doing so. Why?  Because they crumble on the first try and fail to perform it properly (COMMUNICATE WITH THEMSELVES).

When you don’t have a clear strategy on how to apply changes, then your failure is guaranteed. Finding the missing piece of the puzzle that allows you to jump to the next step is your only way out. Jumping without figuring out what that piece is, means you’ve started that phase wrongly. It’s a matter of time before the whole plan collapsed.

To have a very solid and well-studied life change, you’ve got to start with your mental status. Feed your brain with all possibilities, you will face plenty of barriers, and haters, you will be exhausted, and you will feel like you can’t do it. If you name these things along with your start-up plan to set up your mind to perform solidly and strongly under so much pressure and high stakes, then you are ready to start naming the changes that you want to apply in your life.

Communicating effectively with yourself is a must. To understand other parties in the communication circle, you have to be able to understand yourself first.

Published by Ismail Alaraimi