Why trapped? You can do better.

Why trapped? You can do better.

Being trapped within oneself is the worst feeling a person can ever experience. A feeling that you are unable to express or explain to others. Trapped is a word that carries a lot of unspoken pain. The negative feelings you develop about yourself as a result of being stuck. And no one seems to understand your muddles are enormous. Life became a huge burden on the backs and minds of many people. People are unsure what should be done next, is there a goal to strive for, or is this just a fate I must accept.

This feeling primarily is a trigger to others’ unjustified reactions. Feeding some people’s negative feelings about themselves with even worse ideas and reactions that can lead to self-deprecation and low self-esteem. Unfortunately, the majority appear to be unaware of how dangerous this is and the potential consequences. Absurd.

People who feel that way within their minds may not realize it until it is too late. This makes me wonder, and I’m sure it makes you wonder, where were we? Why couldn’t we assist them when they were in desperate need? Why did we remain motionless?

We have to deal with these people every day. But we couldn’t have predicted that they were going through a difficult time and it is a must that they talk to someone. That`s why asking people “How are you?” Why do you appear stressed? Is significant. These questions may appear shallow, and there is no way you could have solved someone’s problems by asking them. However, it will prompt people to express their thoughts and feelings.

A colleague of mine died a few weeks ago as a result of cancer. And it’s no surprise that she died from cancer. The surprise is that none of us were aware she had cancer. None of us noticed that she came to work tired. Nobody noticed how pale she was when she arrived at work. Nobody realized how terrifies and concerned she was. She never mentioned it because she was trapped in her own mind and head. And we utterly failed to ask her a simple question, “Hey, how are you?”


It is very surprising and shocking how bad we feel when we hear about someone who has suicidal thoughts or died as a result of an illness. True, it is painful. The shocking thing is that we may have someone right next to us or someone we know who is going through the same thing. A friend, a colleague, a spouse, or even a relative. And we are doing nothing about it. The irony is that we tend – not always – to see or realize these things after it is too late.

The real worry is that we take these things for granted. We believe everyone is fine because they are laughing out loud at a family gathering or because they go to work every day and look sharp. 

We can be the pick that breaks the ice or the light that illuminates the path. Instead, we choose to be passive. When was the last time you had a meaningful conversation with someone close to you? It almost never happens.

Why should I be responsible for the emotions of others? No, you are not. You claim to care about people. This is how we interpret our concerns for others. By attempting to pull them out of a dark corridor they’ve fallen into. Offer assistance whenever possible, ask questions that will compel them to speak, and then let go. Nobody holds you accountable for someone’s suicidal thoughts for example, but if you’re around them almost every day, you should have noticed.


People have a bond with one another. We feel and understand each other, sometimes without the need to express ourselves verbally. We can see what is going on by looking at each other. Parents feel their children’s pain, siblings cover each other’s backs, and friends talk about everything. A bond which that automatically gives us an insight of what the other person is thinking or going through.

Things usually reveal when people talk to each other. It is now extremely difficult for those in need to approach someone and seek assistance. Of course, for some of them, it is normal and nothing is wrong with it. However, the majority of people do not seek help from others because they are afraid of the reaction they will receive.

However, once we start the conversation and demonstrate that we are here to listen and solve their problems, they will be more willing to open up. People avoid seeking help because they are afraid of being judged by others. They tend to isolate themselves and avoid social situations in order to avoid the special treatment. 


The cruelty of the today`s world almost made us feeling less towards each other. Everyone is running behind their own dreams and goals. Failing to notice those in need around us. Failing to realize that the main goal of this life is to care and look after each other. Love is not those couple of words that come out of our mouths. It is deeper than that and way more sacred.

Move out of the spot you are in. Talk to someone that offers you help and guidance. Whatever is going on in your life will be sorted out if you open up and talk. It feels that you are all alone and lost. You are not.

Published by Ismail Alaraimi