Will your behavior at work reflect on the results?

Will your behavior at work reflect on the results?

It is unfortunate that some people continue to have that poor ideology and unjustified, negative behavior at work. They are the worst, especially newly promoted people. Of course, not all of them; it all depends on their intelligence and personality. If your mind interprets your promotion as an opportunity to demean your coworkers, then you are one of the worst.

Dictatorial workplace behavior is intended to create chaos and negative outcomes within the organization. The outcomes may appear positive at first, but in the long run, you are preparing to undermine every effort made to build on something good and bright.

Employees can suffer a variety of consequences as a result of negative behaviors. Physical consequences include health issues, emotional issues such as depression, social isolation, and organizational issues such as low job satisfaction and high turnover rates. As a result, addressing unproductive behavior is critical for the well-being of both employees and the organization.

It is commonly stated that people quit bosses rather than jobs. A bad boss can make a person’s job miserable and unbearable. Even if they enjoy their job. It does matter how you begin your workday. Starting your day with an unjustified behavior from your superior, for example, is enough to ruin the day before it even begins. Otherwise, positive and incredible work results are unavoidable.


One of the primary reasons for an employee’s behavior towards other employees is a lack of confidence. When a person lacks the ability to effectively communicate with others, they will immediately try to find a way to feel safe (safe to many people means doing whatever it takes to appear in control and in power). However, they are unaware that they are vulnerable.

Inadequate performance. Your superior’s performance at work may be unfavorable. In many cases, such managers do not stay in place for long. If your boss appears to be becoming increasingly negative, it can be because they are upset with management or dealing with a personal problem at home. This, however, does not excuse their hostile attitude towards the employees. It is critical to keep a clear separation between your personal and professional lives. Though difficult, it is possible to achieve.

Is it false information and rumors, or simply a lack of communication? Is it a lack of leadership, or an abundance of work and a scarcity of resources? Worrying about retirement, a lack of challenge, or other difficulties can all contribute to negativity. It can, however, be brought by one or two employees who choose to fight at work. Examine the sources of your frustration and weigh your options.

On occasion, self-preoccupation can lead to negative behavior. People who are deeply in love with themselves frequently regard others as less valuable than themselves. This increases the extremely dangerous possibility of you losing control of your life at work or at home. Do you honestly believe I’ll let you handle that task? I’m your boss, I’m better than you, and I’ll do it all by myself. I’m sure you’ve heard something similar before. It is a common statement made by those who lack a sense of belonging to a team and are self-centered.

Even if you are the manager of a specific company, that does not make you superior to or better than everyone else. You may be a manager, but you may also be a self-centered manager who never completes a task, causes revenue loss, and acts like a dictator, jeopardizing his or her career.


It’s bad enough to know you’ll have to work with an unpleasant coworker. However, if that person is disrespectful or known for negative behavior, it can have a negative impact on your mood and willingness to show up to work. There are several effective methods that, if followed, will result in a positive outcome.

– Stand up and confront the rude behavior

 Rude behavior is defined by demeaning remarks, offensive remarks, and interrupting, and it is a manifestation of selfishness and disrespect for others. When you remain silent in the face of this consistent behavior, you give him permission to continue. He will continue if you do not defend yourself. Remember that it is your responsibility to set the tone for how you want to be treated at work and in other aspects of your life. Inform your boss that you are offended by his rude remarks or comments.

– Express your concerns in person

Rude bosses are also prone to rage, so you must maintain your cool and control your emotions. If you feel compelled to tell him or her how offensive his or her behavior is, do so privately. Maintain a professional demeanor and speak in a neutral tone. Be direct and face him squarely when expressing your displeasure.

– Other considerations 

Consider changing jobs if you are becoming overly stressed and bringing negativity home with you. Look for openings within the company before looking for work elsewhere. Internal transitions can lessen the impact of looking for work elsewhere while still removing you from the problem. Remember that as an employee, you have the right to work in a hostile and harassing environment. You must take action if your boss’s behavior and rude comments are threatening. Contact the company’s human resources department.

Published by Ismail Alaraimi